
$14.99 or $15 ?

Updates on JC Penney's new movement. I saw an Ellen's commercial with JC Penney this afternoon, which noticed that the company is using a new strategy called "No Games, Just great Prices". The commercial starts with Ellen DeGeneres noticed that nowadays seller prefer to set a price with the end of .99 or 99cents, for example a $7 dollar shoes is $6.99 on the list price. However, JC Penney choose not to trick the customer, just round up to a dollar. Does it work? How customer feel about it?

When people started using 99cents strategy because it could boost the sale for 15% more decades ago. Now, when we go to every shop in the world, the price is ended with 99, 98, or 95. It is tricky, but sometimes people just feels like it is cheaper even it is one penny less.

I checked the price on JC Penney Website, and it looks good, but I do not feel it is cheap, well, I am not sure if this is a right strategy to use.

Here is the commercial that reminds me.

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